Analysis of Brownfields Costs (ABC) Tool


What is ABC?

The Community Lattice Analysis of Brownfields Costs (ABC) is an interactive data tool that allows users to explore the assessment and clean-up costs of past, EPA-funded brownfields projects to inform their own project budgets.

The ABC tool is organized into three sections – Single Variable, Multivariate, and Geography – to allow users to slice and dice the available data to understand the different factors affecting brownfields cleanup costs. Each section allows for the choice of analysis category, phases I and II, and cleanup.

The ABC tool builds on Community Lattice’s PEER tool by providing the next step of information that communities need to make brownfields redevelopment and planning decisions. First, PEER helps communities understand the potential risk level of a specific site and, second, the ABC tool provides an idea of the cost for cleaning up a site of that risk level.


How to use ABC

The ABC tool is designed for informational purposes only and does not replace standard research and due diligence. Costs on past brownfields projects do not guarantee similar costs on future projects.

In its original reporting, cost information is subject to human error and inconsistencies, so we recommend that users supplement ABC data with independent research from qualified professionals to determine site-specific assessment and clean-up costs.


Why do we need ABC?

We believe that brownfields assessment and clean-up costs data should be both publicly available and accessible.

The ABC tool meets this need by providing available data from multiple sources in an easy-to-use, accessible way so communities can find useful cost data that helps them make initial brownfields redevelopment and planning decisions.


ABC Terms of Use

The Community Lattice Analysis of Brownfields Costs (ABC) is an interactive data tool that allows users to explore the assessment and clean-up costs of past, EPA-funded brownfields projects to inform their own project budgets.

The ABC tool is intended to be used for informational purposes only. Costs on past projects do not guarantee similar costs on future projects. Cost information is subject to human error and inconsistencies in its original reporting and users are solely responsible for conducting independent research with qualified professionals to determine site-specific assessment and cleanup costs.

Please visit the Kansas State University Technical Assistance to Brownfields (KSU TAB) websites for resources on evaluating environmental risk and brownfields redevelopment.